Written akashic records Guidance – Origin & role as a Light Worker

Written akashic records Guidance – Origin & role as a Light Worker

130.00 $ Including tax

  • EUR: 120.15 €


Written akashic records Guidance – Origin & role as a Light Worker

A Transforming written Guidance where we receive information via your Akasha archive (Your soul’s archive in the 5th dimension). We look at what places you are connected to besides earth and what your role is as a Light Worker in this life. These aspects help you to gain a greater understanding of your soul’s experience here on earth and what is currently preventing you from living your full power and potential.

Your Akasha Archive contains all the information about you as a soul since you were created by the Source. Thus, everything is stored there that has happened to you, all the choices you have made, all the energy that you carry and where you are right now on your journey. Just by looking at and extracting this information in your Akasha archive opens up for you to receive healing and a healing process starts within you.

We look at the following:
* Information about places you have a strong connection to in addition to earth
* What role do you have as a Light Worker in this life
* If there is any major blockage in any chakra right now that is holding you back
* Other things that enhances and what you need to get more of into your life right now
* Healing and general balancing of your energy is included and added to the document

After the order, the Reading will be sent to your email within 2-5 working days!

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