In Depth Written Akashic Guidance – Your Origin, Light Guides & Limitations

In Depth Written Akashic Guidance – Your Origin, Light Guides & Limitations

180.00 $ Including tax

  • EUR: 166.36 €


In Depth Written Akashic Guidance – Your Origin, Light Guides & Limitations

Since many of our customers appreciate receiving guidance in text form, you now have the opportunity to purchase a larger written Akashic Records Reading. We collect information from your Higher guide team and from your Akasha archive, which is part of the 5th dimension. You will receive a document with information and in the guidance we also include Healing and cleansing for any imbalances / blockages that appear. We look at the following:

* What is your soul’s energy signature, ie more about your origin and places you have a strong connection to besides earth
* Your primary life themes that you have chosen to work with in this life
* What higher guides, archangels & ascended masters are with you right now and how they support you
* Larger soul blockages from this and past lives that affect you right now and help clearing them
* What is important to you right now on your life journey
* What you need to get more of into your life right now
* Who have been your most common roles / archetypes in paste lives – that is, what you have returned to many times
* You get healing that is included in the document

“WOW! I’m completely teary-eyed and shocked! Wow, this is the first time I do something like this and I feel such inspiration, lightness, inner peace, understanding, acceptance and joy when I read it. Gets so touched and it touches me.”

After booking, the Guide will be sent to you within 2-5 working days.

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